Our Staff

Living in community means sharing from our bounty and drawing support from each other in times of challenge. This page helps St. Dunstan's staff and pastoral volunteers learn about your specific needs for prayer and support.

Pastoral Care

If you would like to speak with a priest from St. Dunstan's, please call the parish office at 703-356-7533 and ask for the priest. (Please leave a message indicating a desire for pastoral care, if necessary.)

If you would like to make a prayer request, please feel free to call the rector or the parish administrator at 703-356-7533 or send e-mail to this address:

Please indicate whether you would like the name included in Sunday prayers, to have the person prayed for through the prayer chain, would like a visit, or if you have a specific pastoral need. All e-mail is confidential.


The Rev. Chris H. Miller

Priest Locum Tenens




The Rev. Anna Scherer

Assistant Rector



April Elliott

Parish Administrator